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Our Clients Say

Don't just take our word for it – hear what our clients have to say about their experiences.

Ariella Borquez, AZ

"Through my Live4You journey, I was able to completely change my life and the lives of my family members. This organization supported me to rediscover my power, confidence, and connection to my inner child. Live4You taught me valuable tools that I use to positively shift my mindset, create intimate relationships with my loved ones, and overcome my fears."

Ruby Wagner, AZ

"Live4You has changed my life in countless different ways. Meeting a community of likeminded people ready to grow is everything I wanted. To be seen, heard and loved for who I am has transformed my life. Thank you Live4You for providing tools and a practice court for me, my family, my community and the world!"

Darren Brito, AZ

"My Live4You experience has been nothing short of AMAZING! I have found my voice, my self-worth, my power and my empathy. Now I get to use all of these attributes to make a lasting impact on the world and live in a space of abundance and gratitude; creating a beautiful life that I deserve."

Isidro Olivos, AZ

"A journey that was beyond my imagination. I didn’t get superpowers, but I got tools, and those are like superpowers to me. Tools to remain grounded when life doesn’t work out how I expected. Tools that opened my heart to love, excitement and possibility. Now there’s choice and change and healing for me it’s helped me be connected to my family and move through life with clear vision and intention… I deeply appreciate my experience with Live4You!"

Lizette Vargas, AZ

"I am forever grateful for LIVE4YOU because it impacted my life in a way I could never imagine. I let go of anger, bad habits and fear. I gained self love, confidence, joy, community and they provided me with tools that allowed me to create unity in my family."

Jessahn Abernathy, AZ

"The fastest & most efficient route to transformation I’ve ever experienced. When people tell me it’s only been 4 months I’m surprised, because I feel like I’ve lived a lifetime since joining Live4You. A real loving, caring, and accountable environment that will push you towards the life you really desire."

Brandon Sooknanan, AZ

"Live4You has literally saved my life. Through Live4You Emotional Intelligence and Leadership trainings, I was able overcome root causes for destructive negative cycles in my life and learned to create new cycles of constructive positive ones to achieve EXTRAORDINARY Results! Live4You is a positive, fun, intellectual experience solely based on self improvement/developing leadership and getting people to take the next step towards their visions!"

Eva Borquez, AZ

"I am eternally grateful for Live4You. From my own personal journey with the Basic, Advanced and Leadership workshops I have conquered my past, learned the power of perspective, re-discovered who I am, stepped into my potential, and lit a fire for my life. Everyone deserves the opportunity given by Live4You to experience overwhelming inspiration and love for themselves, their family, the community and the world."

Coming soon!

Coming soon!
Image by NEOM


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